
Interview with Emily Mutimer as Astrid in Flunk ‘Season 5’


How did you get into acting? What led to you joining the cast of Flunk?

When I was a growing up, I loved performing, making people laugh and feeling connected with people. I loved writing plays to show the family, singing, dancing, acting, anything creative and expressive. When I got older, I couldn’t think of anything else that made me feel as excited and inspired as acting does. After taking some classes and booking a few roles I knew it was what I was meant to do and will pursue forever. I had actually seen the show prior to auditioning and thought how much I’d love to be a part of Flunk. I was very excited when I got an audition for one of the characters, so I prepped the scene and character, got a call back and did a chemistry read. I was then offered to play a different character to what I auditioned for, which was awesome, because I really resonated with Astrid.

What unique insights do you bring to your character?

In the last couple of years, I’ve been focusing on letting go of the uncontrollable, and instead being present and let what comes and goes in your life happen. My brother Joe reminds me of this when I try to foresee outcomes. It’s easy to say but I found it a lot harder to do. I like knowing outcomes and trying to control things that matter to me, but in the past couple of years I’ve realised that you learn a lot about yourself when you let go of expectations in life and people. You can start to see what was always meant for you and your journey.

This kind of mentality has helped me when I’m working on characters and what unique attributes, I can bring to them. For Astrid, she’s someone with a great intuition and great awareness, being present is something she’s really good at. She lets emotions hit her and then figures out the best way to deal with it. I love being able to live this out in a character, because it feels very freeing to play someone who knows this about herself and isn’t caught up in things that don’t serve her.

In what ways are you similar or different to your character?

We both are similar in the way that we share empathy for other people, and are very aware of what’s going on in a room, reading people’s unsaid behaviour. We are also similar in the sense that we value deep and meaningful friendships, which is also really cool because in the show, Astrid and Saffron are best friends, and in real life, Holly is one of my best friends! She’s so beautiful inside and out, which makes it so fun in the scenes. So thank you to Flunk for making us cross paths!

As for differences, I would say that Astrid is more fearful in chasing her dreams, she has all these interests, cooking, entrepreneurial things, being active, yet she doesn’t have a clear sense of what she wants to do with her life, she’s still trying to please her dad. We are similar in ways we both want to people please though! I do love how forgiving Astrid is, and able to let go of things. Myself as Emily, I think it would be nice to let go more like Astrid. Another difference, is that Astrid is quite upfront with what she’s thinking and feeling, she’s honest about her emotions most of the time which I really admire. I find it hard to voice how I’m actually feeling sometimes in fear that I’m going to upset someone.

Have you ever experienced similar situations to your character this season in real life?

I did have a similar thing in high school, where I liked someone more than a friend, we got along really well, but then school holidays happened and life got busy so we drifted apart, like Astrid and Maxine. I love how they re-connected and were honest about how they were feeling. It’s something I look back on and wish I was more honest about, because it might be the only chance you get to tell someone how you’re feeling.

I also have been in a similar situation to Astrid at her internship office job that she really disliked. I’ve had many jobs that aren’t acting related, and it can be hard when trying to juggle your passions with work.

How would you have responded in your character’s situation this season?

As Emily, if I had romantic feelings for another person who I wasn’t going to see again unless I made the effort to, I would definitely reach out to them to hang out more or tell them how I was feeling, because you never know unless you just do it. Think of all the things that happened in your life because you put yourself out there. If I was Astrid and I was in a job that made me feel bad about myself, then I would also probably quit and make it my mission to achieve my ultimate dream job because I would never want to feel that bad in a job again. Also get your moles checked earlier so you’re not stressing about them later in life.

What are some fun behind the scenes story you remember from filming Flunk?

When we filmed the beach house scenes for season 5, we were also staying in the same location as all the cast and crew. So after we’d finish filming for the day, we would all cook dinner, have snacks and talk for hours. I remember one night, Holly, Madeline, Kelsey and our sound guy Tom were trying to make kale chips in the oven, they kind of burnt a bit, so we were all eating them and laughing because when we’d talk we had black stuff in our teeth. I also remember one night Tom was showing Holly and I this cool musical instrument and we were playing around with it, talking about music until like 2am.

It was lots of fun to film every day for a couple weeks, seeing the same people on set that you get to hang out with at lunch, and then feel really comfortable during the scenes because everyone feels like a friend. Meeting new actors that come in for the day, like Kyle who plays Astrid’s co-worker Owen, is the best bit of being an actor, you get to connect straight away.

It was awesome to film scenes with Holly, as we would be hanging out on the weekends, doing the things we loved (acting) with the person we love. Playing best friends with one of your best friends is a rare thing that I’m so lucky I got to do. It started to feel like my worlds were crossing in the best way. It made our scenes more elevated, because we already had the real-life banter and chemistry.

What have been your favourite Flunk scenes to film and why?

I really enjoyed filming the beach scenes with Madeline (Maxine), because I love the beach! It was freezing – winter was about to start – so in-between takes we would be huddling under a blanket to keep warm, we were kind of going delirious so everything became so funny, I was having a lot of fun, the sun came out and it was super pretty.

I also remember filming the water fight scene with Holly and laughing so much in real life as myself and as Astrid while the scene was being shot, because I accidently sprayed this foamy soap in Holly’s mouth which for some reason made her look like a rabbit and I couldn’t stop laughing. After that take she sprayed me right in the face too and it was hilarious for the both of us. We then had a full change, hair, make up and costume into formal dresses for the formal scenes, so it was a lot of fun getting ready with Holly – it felt like getting ready with a friend for a high school formal all over again.


What do you think the future holds for your character? What would you like to see happen to them, and why?

At the end of season 5, Astrid’s relationship with Maxine is blossoming, she found out she doesn’t have cancer and she’s pretty much done with her accounting job. She seems like she’s ready to be more confident about what she wants and goes for it. I would love to see Astrid really dive into her career path, maybe she starts a clothes business or maybe she opens up a cake shop or joins Master Chef or writes a cookbook, so she can be an inspiration to people (especially women) wanting to run their own businesses and be confident about their decision making. It would be cool to see Astrid move overseas or travel the world and find out more about herself, it might give her more clarity in what truly brings her joy, maybe she finds a love she never knew could exist.

What advice would you give to other actors starting out?

I would say to join a class, because it’s a great place to build a community of like-minded people who you can learn from. Class really helps me to stay accountable and get me out of my comfort zone. From there, I would get some headshots, create a demo reel and sign up to casting websites so you can self-submit. From there, you can start to build you resume and reach out to agencies. Some advice I received that I pass on is; remember it’s a journey not a destination, keep your tools fresh (putting in the work practising your craft so you don’t get rusty) get comfortable being uncomfortable, celebrate what makes you different and unique (trying to follow someone else’s path/comparing yourself to them can be exhausting), create the work, write your own films, cast yourself and have fun!

Outside of acting, what are your other hobbies and activities?

Outside of acting, I love to sing and write music, play the piano and guitar. I also love to write scripts and stories! Outside of the creative stuff, I love making healthy desserts, lately I’ve been into all the “3 ingredient ice-creams”, there’s a lemon sorbet, just lemons, coconut milk and maple syrup, its pretty good. I also love spending time at the beach and long hikes with views.

What are your plans for the next 12 months?

I’m currently in LA filming some fun projects, but other than that, travelling a bit, working on my career, spending time with family and friends, and just enjoying life and all the new experiences that come with living in a different country.

How can the audience follow your career in the future?

I am on Instagram @emilymutimer, that’s where I post updates about my career 🙂


Flunk season 5

Last modified: August 20, 2024

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